Atlanta Newborn Photographer | Baby smiles and little toes

Sometimes I get lucky during newborn sessions and catch the hint of a smile. I know it's supposedly "just gas" but I'm not sure I really believe that. I think babies might actually have something to smile about… after nine months of being inside, they're out, and have snuggled with their loving parents pretty much non stop. What's not to smile about?

During my sessions, I focus on the little parts that make your baby who they are. Things like their teensy little toes (trust me, they are TINY… and you will wonder how in the world baby feet can grow as fast as they do), their little fists, eyelashes, and sweet pouty lips. You may think you can memorize your baby's every feature with the hours upon hours you spend staring at them in those first few weeks but I'm here to tell you, the mind's memory fades and is not accurate. I know this myself with my two little girls. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at their newborn pictures and marveled at how different they look than what I remember. I'm so glad that I have their newborn days preserved with a memories that won't ever fade away and that I can share those with them. It is my honor to be able to give new families the same gift, and the driving force behind my passion for newborn photography and why I shoot the way I do. 


Let's make sure you always remember when your baby's sleepy half smirk looked like, and how cute their toes were. Want to know what it's like to work with me? Click here to watch this short film. Contact me today to begin planning your session, as availability is limited. I can't wait to meet you! 

Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.