Liz & Isaac booked a Fresh 48 session for when their daughter arrived, and I invited them to come drop by the studio to meet with me in advance. The studio is in Grant Park close to Zoo Atlanta, so it's an easy drive for most of my clients since it's right off of I-20! While meeting me before your session is not a requirement, I really love the chance to meet with my families before their baby arrives. Would you rather have a total stranger show up, or someone you've already met before and are comfortable with? It's also a great opportunity to ask questions and for me to run through what the Fresh 48 session will be like.
When sweet little Frances arrived, Liz sent me a text letting me know. She opted to have me come the next day rather than the same afternoon which is usually the norm. Most moms would like a chance to recover a little bit from childbirth and take a shower, freshen up, etc. When I arrived, Frances was sound asleep and I marveled over her adorable little button nose and how cute she was!
Fresh 48 sessions are shot in a documentary lifestyle way. This means I show up and while I will move some items out of the way to avoid a cluttered background, I don't pose your baby. Most families opt to keep their baby wrapped in the iconic hospital blanket with the hospital hat, and moms will bring a robe from home to wear if they don't want to be in a hospital gown. If you can't get up out of the bed, no problem! I work around you. Many first time parents are also a little bit nervous about handling their new baby since they might not have had a whole lot of practice. Also totally ok! I work with so many new families every week, so I'm used to this. I'll work with you at your comfort level to create beautiful images of this fleeting time in your lives. I truly love working with new parents and being a source of encouragement and support in any way that I can during the session. I'm a mother of three children, and I was once where you soon will be. It's amazing, and beautiful, and I'm so excited for all of my clients embarking on this wild and crazy adventure of parenthood. There's no turning back, your life will never be the same...and you'll never want it any other way. And with a Fresh 48 session, you'll be able to look back to where it all began when your baby was the tiniest little peanut and remember it all.
Fresh 48 sessions are limited! We are fully booked for certain due date windows already in 2017 and 2018, so please contact us soon if you would like information on reserving your session!

If you're expecting a baby or already a parent and looking for a newborn, maternity, or family photographer, I would love to work with you to create images that you will love for a lifetime. Watch this video to hear about my philosophy and see how I work in the studio so you can determine if I'm the right fit for you. I can't wait to meet you!
Lily Sophia Photography specializes in newborn, baby, maternity, and birth photography in Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas.